Spatial design of the City of the Future
What urban planning ideas shape the City of the Future? How is its spatial design being developed?
This cross-cutting topic is dedicated to the structural and physical dimension of the City of the Future. The structural form and design of towns and cities are crucial to shaping the urban living space and thus convey their identity and the quality of life for the people who live there. Issues of housing and development structure are addressed, along with building density, urban functions such as shopping, living and working, and their mix in the urban space, including a change of spatial uses in the course of changing requirements, social practices and technological developments.
Many of the projects in the two funding programmes address issues of structural and physical change to urban spaces. The conversion of spatial design and infrastructure in the course of triumphing over the automotive city, the re-integration of commerce and manufacturing in inner-city structures, the rebuilding of conversion land, the densification of neighbourhoods and the development of wasteland result not least in specific structural and physical changes to housing and construction.
This topic is explored while acknowledging the various sizes and built parameters of towns and cities and taking city/regional relationships into account.
“Spatial design of the City of the Future” cross-cutting topic
Robert Riechel, Mail: